UCL Partners – Ongoing partnership with a rapidly evolving organisation

UCL Partners is a health innovation partnership with a mission to help five million people from North London to the Essex coast live longer, healthier lives.
Following an extensive rebrand, UCL Partners asked us to help them create a website that better reflected their redefined mission and visual language. We’ve also supported them with refinement of the brand and various activities to support their digital strategy.

User-focused website structure
One of the main aims for the new website was to support the sharing of insights and encourage collaboration around innovation in health. UCL Partners also needed a flexible publishing environment that balanced visual consistency with the option to experiment with new formats and innovative content.
During the early stages of the project we worked with the client to design an information architecture that would support these aims. This included developing a new user-focused taxonomy of health priorities (such as respiratory health, dementia and vision). Each priority has a dedicated page that collates any relevant content such as project information, latest news and impact stories from across the website.

Communicating complexity
UCL Partners is an Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) and an Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC). It also works with a wide range of different audiences including health and care professionals, academics, innovators, patients and the public.
We addressed this complexity by designing dedicated landing pages for the different audience groups and designations, each of which led with informative copy followed by relevant content from across the website.
There was also a requirement to accommodate a number of ‘toolkits’, which contain detailed information on a variety of topics (such as primary care innovation and non face-to-face clinics) for a particular subset of the audience. These needed to be accommodated within the overall site architecture, while feeling like focused standalone spaces in their own right.

Improved and evolving visual approach
The application of the UCL Partners visual has continued to evolve over the time that we have been working with them. This has included the creation of custom iconography, a new logo, and more animated elements across strategy and impact report documents.